There are many false rumors and slanted views about the Tea Party, and I plan to continue exposing them, and telling it like it is in a simple manner.
7. Tea Party Folks Are All Pro-Corporation, & Pro-Corporate Greed.
This one is kind of humorous in a few ways. Just because we are against a large and massive overpowering Government, doesn't mean we are not against a large and massive overpowering corporation. We focus more of our attention on the ever expanding government. The government is expanding and growing at an exponential rate. Large government affects out individual liberties and freedoms more so than a large corporation. At least with corporation, we usually have the power of choice. With government, consumerism isn't such a powerful anti-force. Though there are corporations that are allowed to grow rather large, and monopolize the industries... which is not a good thing. The Tea Party, and common sense people in general, should and are against big monopolized, corrupt, in-bed-with-government corporations. There is not supposed to be a monopoly in any business. Government aids and subsidizes corporations, thus allowing them to be large monopolizing powers. Government involvement also artificially raises, and lowers prices as they see fit. The Tea Party is against all funny stuff with government, and corporation. Look at GE for instance. Do Liberals really think the Tea Part is Pro No-Tax-Corporation? I don't think so.
8. The Tea Party Are All Racists.
If you believe this, you are truly a stupid stupid individual. If you believe this, you are the type of individual who automatically believes the most radical representation of a group other than your own pitiful groups views from mainly mainstream media sources. The kind of media where radical journalists and writers go because they can't get a job with a reputable organization. The Liberal cries of racism is the perfect example of the sheep mentality. Not just that, the perfect example of throwing around insults and personal attacks because they are not educated enough about the policies therefor not being able to have a rational discussion. A simple way to stump a Liberal in such an argument, is to simple ask "Why not"? Or "Why don't you agree with the subject at hand?". They simple argue what their counterparts argue automatically. Just to be seen, heard, and feel like they are important. To feel like they are fighting against an evil empire. Well Liberals, the empire you are fighting against are ourselves... The People. Guess what? In the U.S., the people are the empire, and we plan on keeping it that way.
There are no more racists in the Tea Party as a percentage, as there are in society as a whole. Liberals just love to attack with strong social injustices and important issues of days past. Racism is not nearly as rampant as it once was in our country. Now the cards have really turned the other way. Reverse racism is a real thing, and being a pansy ass Liberal who agrees with affirmative action, and allowing racism from minorities to some how justify the treatment of minorities in the past is just plain dumb and stupid. Read THIS Whoopie Goldberg! We are not racist! We are concerned about much greater issues now okay thank you bye! Get over it!
9. Tea Party Folks Are All War Mongers.
Not true by any means. The Pro, and Anti-War statistics in the Tea Party are much the same as society in the U.S. as a whole. Me for instance: I do not like the Military Industrial Complex. It is a machine designed to stay in business, to grow, to expand... much like a business. Any time government tries to get into a business venture, it usually fails and costs too much. I am a non-interventionist like many Libertarians. Many Conservatives as a whole are non-interventionists. Our Constitution states that we shouldn't get involved in growing a world empire. It more than less protects the people from an ever growing and expanding federal government. One in which would break the country, and ruin it to shambles. It's simple, and usually this simple with the Tea Party: If we are attacked, and our lives are in danger, we will fight back with the go-ahead from congress - thus the people (in a perfect not-so-perfect form of government). Liberals seem to always want to be diplomatic when a gun is being held to their heads. No inviting terrorists to yoga class here Libs. We are not all war mongers. In fact, many in the Tea Party share the same attitude about war, and out purpose with military, as most Democrats, and some Liberals. Amazing huh?
10. The Tea Party Love Dubya.
Not at all true. Remember, the Tea Party are not all Republicans and GOP whores. The Tea Party too love to bring up many of Bush's faults, especially his unconstitutional actions. Patriot Act anybody? Iraq venture?
I personally feel he was a very mundane President who really didn't accomplish all that much. He, like Clinton, fell victim like so many others, who haven't a clue about economics. They nodded their heads like a dashboard bobblehead whenever the FED and big banks opened their mouths. They had no clue. A smart President would be taking serious action against the big central bank and federal reserve machine, which quite frankly, robs the American people blind.
I will say however, Bush was better than the other options, and I think most people on all sides (except liberals) would agree. Liberals are on cloud 9 as far as our real economic, social, and political issues at hand.
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