Just a Conservative/Libertarian/Classical Liberal Blogging About Politics. I Am About As Politically Correct As My Fluting Balloon Knot.
May 24, 2011
May 21, 2011
May 14, 2011
Ron Paul: I Would Not Have Voted For The 1964 Civil Rights Act
Ron Paul makes a valid point about the law, and how lawmakers always hide other things in the name of something good and right. Reminds me of the cries about the elderly, and children. "Oh, but the children!?" Why I like Ron Paul, is his ability to see the truth and meaning behind so much rubbish in Washington. He's downright honest. He is like the Dr. Phil of the White House.
I pretty much boils down to every individuals rights and that the rights of others shouldn't be taken in the name of 'equal rights'. A home owner has the right to let who they want into their home. The same should apply to a business owner. Liberals of course would love to turn such a thing into some sort of twisted pro-racism libtardation, but it just isn't the case. This includes your rights too Libtards!
I pretty much boils down to every individuals rights and that the rights of others shouldn't be taken in the name of 'equal rights'. A home owner has the right to let who they want into their home. The same should apply to a business owner. Liberals of course would love to turn such a thing into some sort of twisted pro-racism libtardation, but it just isn't the case. This includes your rights too Libtards!
The Tea Party: Misconceptions & Myths - Part II
There are many false rumors and slanted views about the Tea Party, and I plan to continue exposing them, and telling it like it is in a simple manner.
7. Tea Party Folks Are All Pro-Corporation, & Pro-Corporate Greed.
This one is kind of humorous in a few ways. Just because we are against a large and massive overpowering Government, doesn't mean we are not against a large and massive overpowering corporation. We focus more of our attention on the ever expanding government. The government is expanding and growing at an exponential rate. Large government affects out individual liberties and freedoms more so than a large corporation. At least with corporation, we usually have the power of choice. With government, consumerism isn't such a powerful anti-force. Though there are corporations that are allowed to grow rather large, and monopolize the industries... which is not a good thing. The Tea Party, and common sense people in general, should and are against big monopolized, corrupt, in-bed-with-government corporations. There is not supposed to be a monopoly in any business. Government aids and subsidizes corporations, thus allowing them to be large monopolizing powers. Government involvement also artificially raises, and lowers prices as they see fit. The Tea Party is against all funny stuff with government, and corporation. Look at GE for instance. Do Liberals really think the Tea Part is Pro No-Tax-Corporation? I don't think so.
8. The Tea Party Are All Racists.
If you believe this, you are truly a stupid stupid individual. If you believe this, you are the type of individual who automatically believes the most radical representation of a group other than your own pitiful groups views from mainly mainstream media sources. The kind of media where radical journalists and writers go because they can't get a job with a reputable organization. The Liberal cries of racism is the perfect example of the sheep mentality. Not just that, the perfect example of throwing around insults and personal attacks because they are not educated enough about the policies therefor not being able to have a rational discussion. A simple way to stump a Liberal in such an argument, is to simple ask "Why not"? Or "Why don't you agree with the subject at hand?". They simple argue what their counterparts argue automatically. Just to be seen, heard, and feel like they are important. To feel like they are fighting against an evil empire. Well Liberals, the empire you are fighting against are ourselves... The People. Guess what? In the U.S., the people are the empire, and we plan on keeping it that way.
There are no more racists in the Tea Party as a percentage, as there are in society as a whole. Liberals just love to attack with strong social injustices and important issues of days past. Racism is not nearly as rampant as it once was in our country. Now the cards have really turned the other way. Reverse racism is a real thing, and being a pansy ass Liberal who agrees with affirmative action, and allowing racism from minorities to some how justify the treatment of minorities in the past is just plain dumb and stupid. Read THIS Whoopie Goldberg! We are not racist! We are concerned about much greater issues now okay thank you bye! Get over it!
9. Tea Party Folks Are All War Mongers.
Not true by any means. The Pro, and Anti-War statistics in the Tea Party are much the same as society in the U.S. as a whole. Me for instance: I do not like the Military Industrial Complex. It is a machine designed to stay in business, to grow, to expand... much like a business. Any time government tries to get into a business venture, it usually fails and costs too much. I am a non-interventionist like many Libertarians. Many Conservatives as a whole are non-interventionists. Our Constitution states that we shouldn't get involved in growing a world empire. It more than less protects the people from an ever growing and expanding federal government. One in which would break the country, and ruin it to shambles. It's simple, and usually this simple with the Tea Party: If we are attacked, and our lives are in danger, we will fight back with the go-ahead from congress - thus the people (in a perfect not-so-perfect form of government). Liberals seem to always want to be diplomatic when a gun is being held to their heads. No inviting terrorists to yoga class here Libs. We are not all war mongers. In fact, many in the Tea Party share the same attitude about war, and out purpose with military, as most Democrats, and some Liberals. Amazing huh?
10. The Tea Party Love Dubya.
Not at all true. Remember, the Tea Party are not all Republicans and GOP whores. The Tea Party too love to bring up many of Bush's faults, especially his unconstitutional actions. Patriot Act anybody? Iraq venture?
I personally feel he was a very mundane President who really didn't accomplish all that much. He, like Clinton, fell victim like so many others, who haven't a clue about economics. They nodded their heads like a dashboard bobblehead whenever the FED and big banks opened their mouths. They had no clue. A smart President would be taking serious action against the big central bank and federal reserve machine, which quite frankly, robs the American people blind.
I will say however, Bush was better than the other options, and I think most people on all sides (except liberals) would agree. Liberals are on cloud 9 as far as our real economic, social, and political issues at hand.
7. Tea Party Folks Are All Pro-Corporation, & Pro-Corporate Greed.
This one is kind of humorous in a few ways. Just because we are against a large and massive overpowering Government, doesn't mean we are not against a large and massive overpowering corporation. We focus more of our attention on the ever expanding government. The government is expanding and growing at an exponential rate. Large government affects out individual liberties and freedoms more so than a large corporation. At least with corporation, we usually have the power of choice. With government, consumerism isn't such a powerful anti-force. Though there are corporations that are allowed to grow rather large, and monopolize the industries... which is not a good thing. The Tea Party, and common sense people in general, should and are against big monopolized, corrupt, in-bed-with-government corporations. There is not supposed to be a monopoly in any business. Government aids and subsidizes corporations, thus allowing them to be large monopolizing powers. Government involvement also artificially raises, and lowers prices as they see fit. The Tea Party is against all funny stuff with government, and corporation. Look at GE for instance. Do Liberals really think the Tea Part is Pro No-Tax-Corporation? I don't think so.
8. The Tea Party Are All Racists.
If you believe this, you are truly a stupid stupid individual. If you believe this, you are the type of individual who automatically believes the most radical representation of a group other than your own pitiful groups views from mainly mainstream media sources. The kind of media where radical journalists and writers go because they can't get a job with a reputable organization. The Liberal cries of racism is the perfect example of the sheep mentality. Not just that, the perfect example of throwing around insults and personal attacks because they are not educated enough about the policies therefor not being able to have a rational discussion. A simple way to stump a Liberal in such an argument, is to simple ask "Why not"? Or "Why don't you agree with the subject at hand?". They simple argue what their counterparts argue automatically. Just to be seen, heard, and feel like they are important. To feel like they are fighting against an evil empire. Well Liberals, the empire you are fighting against are ourselves... The People. Guess what? In the U.S., the people are the empire, and we plan on keeping it that way.
There are no more racists in the Tea Party as a percentage, as there are in society as a whole. Liberals just love to attack with strong social injustices and important issues of days past. Racism is not nearly as rampant as it once was in our country. Now the cards have really turned the other way. Reverse racism is a real thing, and being a pansy ass Liberal who agrees with affirmative action, and allowing racism from minorities to some how justify the treatment of minorities in the past is just plain dumb and stupid. Read THIS Whoopie Goldberg! We are not racist! We are concerned about much greater issues now okay thank you bye! Get over it!
9. Tea Party Folks Are All War Mongers.
Not true by any means. The Pro, and Anti-War statistics in the Tea Party are much the same as society in the U.S. as a whole. Me for instance: I do not like the Military Industrial Complex. It is a machine designed to stay in business, to grow, to expand... much like a business. Any time government tries to get into a business venture, it usually fails and costs too much. I am a non-interventionist like many Libertarians. Many Conservatives as a whole are non-interventionists. Our Constitution states that we shouldn't get involved in growing a world empire. It more than less protects the people from an ever growing and expanding federal government. One in which would break the country, and ruin it to shambles. It's simple, and usually this simple with the Tea Party: If we are attacked, and our lives are in danger, we will fight back with the go-ahead from congress - thus the people (in a perfect not-so-perfect form of government). Liberals seem to always want to be diplomatic when a gun is being held to their heads. No inviting terrorists to yoga class here Libs. We are not all war mongers. In fact, many in the Tea Party share the same attitude about war, and out purpose with military, as most Democrats, and some Liberals. Amazing huh?
10. The Tea Party Love Dubya.
Not at all true. Remember, the Tea Party are not all Republicans and GOP whores. The Tea Party too love to bring up many of Bush's faults, especially his unconstitutional actions. Patriot Act anybody? Iraq venture?
I personally feel he was a very mundane President who really didn't accomplish all that much. He, like Clinton, fell victim like so many others, who haven't a clue about economics. They nodded their heads like a dashboard bobblehead whenever the FED and big banks opened their mouths. They had no clue. A smart President would be taking serious action against the big central bank and federal reserve machine, which quite frankly, robs the American people blind.
I will say however, Bush was better than the other options, and I think most people on all sides (except liberals) would agree. Liberals are on cloud 9 as far as our real economic, social, and political issues at hand.
May 11, 2011
The Tea Party: Misconceptions & Myths
Nothing bothers me more than hearing a Liberal open their mouth in disgust over the Tea Party movement. The flailing personal attacks, crude remarks, and contradictory behavior of a liberal only further intensifies the need to educate the uneducated.
As with most problems in human behavior and assumption, it is a lack of education which lies at the root of the problem. I am not stating that I have a rather blessed and scholarly education, nor do I have the journalistic touch that many bloggers have, but I am smart enough to see a massive lack of education, common sense, and values in our society as it stands.
Most Liberals have never heard of the Tea Party movement until it started being discussed on the media mainstream. They lack the true reason behind the Tea Party movement. Liberals don't ideologically understand what a grass roots movement is, or even feels like. The Tea Party is a group of leaders, individuals, and caring people who have dire concerns over the direction of the greatest nation in the world. I find Liberals to be followers. They feel they are the 'little guy' in a world suffering at the hands of 'the man". Simply put, it's sour grapes. It's the feeling of a lack of control, self-control, which is prevalent in their stabs of personal attacks, and lack of true understanding.
I want to clear up a few myths about the Tea Party that Liberals seem to have created out of their visions of it, from such sources as MSNBC, CNN, and yes, even Fox News. Some of these myths even apply to Fox News directly.
1. The Tea Party movement isn't grass roots.
This myth is so far off the mark, it astounds me that anybody could possibly adhere to this philosophy. Liberals believe that the GOP and/or Republican Party created this movement as a tool to destroy the Progressive Movement. This is false. The Tea Party started back in the early campaign days of Ron Paul in about 2007. The group of individuals are simply people (leaders, individuals, people who can think for themselves)who are disgusted with the power grab of big government, corruption in our businesses, and an economy that is collapsing. Individual groups across the nation gather to discuss how we can possibly get back on track to our founding principles which is solely responsibly for the creation of the best nation on Earth. Liberals seem to have a hard time grasping the individual opinion and drive. Liberals always seem to feel that everything is a collective group of clones. Minds who think exactly the same, and follow the exact same principles. A major flaw in the Liberal mind is the group mentality. Hence the reason Liberals are called "sheep", or "Sheople". The Tea Party is a true grass roots movement, and will remain to be no matter what all sides try to do with it.
2. The Tea Party are all right-wing Republicans.
This statement is false. Yes, the Tea Party has a greater percentage of Conservative individuals. This doesn't mean they are all GOP nut jobs and Republican knee-bowing sheople whores. I have read and seen with my own eyes (At least in a primarily Liberal part of the country) that roughly 20% are self-proclaimed Democrats. I still feel there are more, but they for some reason feel discouraged to disclose it. Maybe because so many righties poke a finger at Democrats, which is the wrong approach. That is for a different post though. Another 40% are self-proclaimed Independents (which may also include Centrists). That leaves another 40% which are not all Republican. Most of that last 40% are in fact registered Republicans. Many though however are simply Conservatives, Classical Liberals, and Libertarians. Don't mistake a Conservative for a Republican.
3. Tea Party folks are all bible thumping religo-nuts.
This one is way far off the mark. The majority of the Tea Party are not religious at all, as with most Americans. True, a greater percentage might be Christian... but isn't that the same with the country as a whole? So what? I feel the mainstream Liberal media is greatly responsible for this myth, as they seem to only represent southern states, and find the crowds that seem most "Redneck-ish", "Bible Belt-ish", and primarily white. But the whole white thing boils down to one solid fact: Most of the country is white! Many whites are Christian. But as with non-social issues, religion has no place in politics, and most of the Tea Party understand that. Many in the Tea Party actually are very Liberal with their views on social issues. About the same percentage of Liberals are Christian as with Libertarians. It's about the policies! Liberals seem to avoid that in their slander, and finger pointing. It must all be about the social stuff.. which is actually on the bottom of the priority list with Tea Party persons.
4. The Tea Party are all gun-toting rednecks.
False. Most members, or participating people of the Tea Party, don't own any guns. This is the same with Americans in general. So there is no argument there whatsoever. Liberals continue to highlight simple statistics that apply to all Americans, in an effort to slam a movement that displays power, purpose, and a goal... much the same as what a gun represents. That is why they fear them so much. Them being guns, or people in the Tea Party. Again, I blame the Liberal media coverage for displaying those in the south, who admittedly are more into guns (culturally)than the rest of the country... except maybe for the primarily Liberal criminals in Detroit, L.A., and other high-crime areas. One argument for Tea Party people owning guns, is that most in the Tea Party feel the country has taken a turn away from our Constitution. A good understanding of the 2nd Amendment would make any intelligent person understand the want, and necessity to have firearms available. Liberals like to make gun owners feel guilty. But the simple fact remains: There is nothing wrong with owning a gun or many!
5. The Tea Party will fade.
Nope. Sorry your hopes are up Liberals. But as long as real history remains taught in our liberally biased schools, our Constitution isn't erased permanently, and there are those who remain wise, and study many theories and philosophies of conservatism, sound money, and liberty.... and those willing to actually do something about it instead of following the heard over the edge of a cliff like a dumb buffalo... the Tea Party (Or just concerned people (for the laymen)) will remain.
6. Liberals are better educated than members of the Tea Party.
That statement alone is just plain stupid. That statement is a prime example of the lack of education in our country as a whole. Yes there are certain areas and demographics in the country where education is held to a higher standard. I again blame Liberal mainstream media for intentionally airing the captured recordings of some of the dumbest people in America. The Tea Party represents most Americans as a whole. Again, Liberals use a simple statistic that describes Americans as a whole, and tries to turn it in on the Tea Party. I will gladly state that as a percentage, there are as many idiots in the Tea Party, as in the entire country. I will actually say that about Liberals as a whole too. Liberals however still hold a collective group mentality. The individual just can't do anything on their own, or think for themselves. Most American Universities indoctrinate students to a liberal way of thinking. The fact is, college campuses are highly biased. Thankfully there are still some very good colleges and universities that avoid such indoctrination. Thankfully there are as many, if not more educated individuals that are NOT Liberal, to combat the socialist, anti-liberty, anti-individual, anti-capitalist mindset of the Liberal. A good saying is just this: "Most kids are Liberal until they grow up and realize the array of faults in the Liberal and Progressive mindset."
There is a slight rant, and I am sure I can come up with a lot more myths and just plain un-truths about the Tea Party. Don't forget that to educate yourself, you must educate yourself!
As with most problems in human behavior and assumption, it is a lack of education which lies at the root of the problem. I am not stating that I have a rather blessed and scholarly education, nor do I have the journalistic touch that many bloggers have, but I am smart enough to see a massive lack of education, common sense, and values in our society as it stands.
Most Liberals have never heard of the Tea Party movement until it started being discussed on the media mainstream. They lack the true reason behind the Tea Party movement. Liberals don't ideologically understand what a grass roots movement is, or even feels like. The Tea Party is a group of leaders, individuals, and caring people who have dire concerns over the direction of the greatest nation in the world. I find Liberals to be followers. They feel they are the 'little guy' in a world suffering at the hands of 'the man". Simply put, it's sour grapes. It's the feeling of a lack of control, self-control, which is prevalent in their stabs of personal attacks, and lack of true understanding.
I want to clear up a few myths about the Tea Party that Liberals seem to have created out of their visions of it, from such sources as MSNBC, CNN, and yes, even Fox News. Some of these myths even apply to Fox News directly.
1. The Tea Party movement isn't grass roots.
This myth is so far off the mark, it astounds me that anybody could possibly adhere to this philosophy. Liberals believe that the GOP and/or Republican Party created this movement as a tool to destroy the Progressive Movement. This is false. The Tea Party started back in the early campaign days of Ron Paul in about 2007. The group of individuals are simply people (leaders, individuals, people who can think for themselves)who are disgusted with the power grab of big government, corruption in our businesses, and an economy that is collapsing. Individual groups across the nation gather to discuss how we can possibly get back on track to our founding principles which is solely responsibly for the creation of the best nation on Earth. Liberals seem to have a hard time grasping the individual opinion and drive. Liberals always seem to feel that everything is a collective group of clones. Minds who think exactly the same, and follow the exact same principles. A major flaw in the Liberal mind is the group mentality. Hence the reason Liberals are called "sheep", or "Sheople". The Tea Party is a true grass roots movement, and will remain to be no matter what all sides try to do with it.
2. The Tea Party are all right-wing Republicans.
This statement is false. Yes, the Tea Party has a greater percentage of Conservative individuals. This doesn't mean they are all GOP nut jobs and Republican knee-bowing sheople whores. I have read and seen with my own eyes (At least in a primarily Liberal part of the country) that roughly 20% are self-proclaimed Democrats. I still feel there are more, but they for some reason feel discouraged to disclose it. Maybe because so many righties poke a finger at Democrats, which is the wrong approach. That is for a different post though. Another 40% are self-proclaimed Independents (which may also include Centrists). That leaves another 40% which are not all Republican. Most of that last 40% are in fact registered Republicans. Many though however are simply Conservatives, Classical Liberals, and Libertarians. Don't mistake a Conservative for a Republican.
3. Tea Party folks are all bible thumping religo-nuts.
This one is way far off the mark. The majority of the Tea Party are not religious at all, as with most Americans. True, a greater percentage might be Christian... but isn't that the same with the country as a whole? So what? I feel the mainstream Liberal media is greatly responsible for this myth, as they seem to only represent southern states, and find the crowds that seem most "Redneck-ish", "Bible Belt-ish", and primarily white. But the whole white thing boils down to one solid fact: Most of the country is white! Many whites are Christian. But as with non-social issues, religion has no place in politics, and most of the Tea Party understand that. Many in the Tea Party actually are very Liberal with their views on social issues. About the same percentage of Liberals are Christian as with Libertarians. It's about the policies! Liberals seem to avoid that in their slander, and finger pointing. It must all be about the social stuff.. which is actually on the bottom of the priority list with Tea Party persons.
4. The Tea Party are all gun-toting rednecks.
False. Most members, or participating people of the Tea Party, don't own any guns. This is the same with Americans in general. So there is no argument there whatsoever. Liberals continue to highlight simple statistics that apply to all Americans, in an effort to slam a movement that displays power, purpose, and a goal... much the same as what a gun represents. That is why they fear them so much. Them being guns, or people in the Tea Party. Again, I blame the Liberal media coverage for displaying those in the south, who admittedly are more into guns (culturally)than the rest of the country... except maybe for the primarily Liberal criminals in Detroit, L.A., and other high-crime areas. One argument for Tea Party people owning guns, is that most in the Tea Party feel the country has taken a turn away from our Constitution. A good understanding of the 2nd Amendment would make any intelligent person understand the want, and necessity to have firearms available. Liberals like to make gun owners feel guilty. But the simple fact remains: There is nothing wrong with owning a gun or many!
5. The Tea Party will fade.
Nope. Sorry your hopes are up Liberals. But as long as real history remains taught in our liberally biased schools, our Constitution isn't erased permanently, and there are those who remain wise, and study many theories and philosophies of conservatism, sound money, and liberty.... and those willing to actually do something about it instead of following the heard over the edge of a cliff like a dumb buffalo... the Tea Party (Or just concerned people (for the laymen)) will remain.
6. Liberals are better educated than members of the Tea Party.
That statement alone is just plain stupid. That statement is a prime example of the lack of education in our country as a whole. Yes there are certain areas and demographics in the country where education is held to a higher standard. I again blame Liberal mainstream media for intentionally airing the captured recordings of some of the dumbest people in America. The Tea Party represents most Americans as a whole. Again, Liberals use a simple statistic that describes Americans as a whole, and tries to turn it in on the Tea Party. I will gladly state that as a percentage, there are as many idiots in the Tea Party, as in the entire country. I will actually say that about Liberals as a whole too. Liberals however still hold a collective group mentality. The individual just can't do anything on their own, or think for themselves. Most American Universities indoctrinate students to a liberal way of thinking. The fact is, college campuses are highly biased. Thankfully there are still some very good colleges and universities that avoid such indoctrination. Thankfully there are as many, if not more educated individuals that are NOT Liberal, to combat the socialist, anti-liberty, anti-individual, anti-capitalist mindset of the Liberal. A good saying is just this: "Most kids are Liberal until they grow up and realize the array of faults in the Liberal and Progressive mindset."
There is a slight rant, and I am sure I can come up with a lot more myths and just plain un-truths about the Tea Party. Don't forget that to educate yourself, you must educate yourself!
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